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The Essence of Art Inside our Mission's Impact

Our annual gala is dedicated to the men we serve, who’s journey back to life as contributing members of society is forever imprinted on our hearts. This year’s gala holds the inspiration behind the essence of art found inside the Museum of Biblical Art where we surround ourselves with beauty and meaning from the Christian and Jewish traditions. Various gallery exhibits featured in April will be available to our guests during our Annual Gala event, so attendees can explore the immense religious meaning and inspiration it holds.

However, the essence of art goes even further; it highlights God’s love and mercy in our clients’ lives. Much like the museum’s exhibit, Via Dolorosa, of sculptures illustrating the path that Jesus walked on his way to crucifixion, reminding us of our own imperfection and God’s love. Additionally, the sculpture garden served the inspiration behind our Gala’s main artwork piece created by continuous supporter and renowned artist, Suzy Moritz-Rawdin.

Over the years, we have featured artwork from men who are incarcerated. They have offered their work to show gratitude to our ministry’s mission of providing clothing to men recently released from prison. Even behind the walls of correctional facilities, men have discovered a God-given talent to paint and create art, helping them find a sense of hope as they walk a new path to change the direction of their lives. We are grateful for these gifts and the heart of the men who donated them.

The essence of art has served as a visual communication of a manifest of complex feelings over centuries. We are enthusiastic that our clients have found a way to express these complex feelings through their artwork. Our Annual Gala wants to simply celebrate that.

Here are some of the exhibits that will be highlighted at the Museum of Biblical Art during What’s Cookin’ in Dallas? A Night at the Museum:

The National Center of Jewish Art Current exhibits include the SWED Collection of Jewish Ceremonial Art, George Tobolowsky “The Elements of Hanullah” and Jeffrey Brosk “Meditations in Wood.”

Resurrection Mural by Ron Dicianni

Tapestry of the Centuries Mural by Vladimir Gorsky

Via Dolorosa Sculpture Garden

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