We have been blessed beyond measure and at this time, we are unable to use suits, sports coats and French cuff dress shirts, as well as sweaters and vests.
Looking to clean out your closets? Please donate your gently used shirts (short and long sleeve), jeans, pants, and shoes (dress, casual, athletic, and work boots), belts, ties, and shorts! We also accept new socks and underwear!
To schedule a pick-up please call us at 1-888-433-9826 or you can donate at one of our drop-off locations.
Church of the Incarnation
3966 McKinney Ave
Dallas, TX 75204
Wednesdays 10 AM - 1 PM
Drop off is under the portico entrance that face 75
Community Crossroads Outreach Center
1516 Hemphill St
Fort Worth, TX 76104
Mondays 8:30 AM - 11 PM
Thursdays 7 AM - 10:30 AM
Cottonwood Creek Church
1015 Sam Rayburn Tollway
Allen, TX 75013
Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 3 PM
First United Methodist Church of Rockwall
1200 E Yellow Jacket Ln
Rockwall, TX 75087
Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 4 PM
Saint Michael's Farmers Market
4344 Colgate Ave
Dallas, TX 75225
8 AM to NOON every Saturday until September 2024
Located at the church in the west parking lot​
Toyota of Rockwall
1200 E I-30
Rockwall, TX 75087
During business hours near Customer Service
Online purchases of new clothing, financial donations, even your unused gift cards. All are tax-deductible and may be mailed directly to us:
One Man's Treasure
519 I-30 E, #211
Rockwall, TX 75087