Clothing & Shoe Donations
Individual Donations - We always need gently used, modern, and unstained items!
Organize A Clothing/Shoe Drive – Talk with your church, civic or social group, or business about sponsoring a men’s clothing and shoe drive.
Pick Up Clothing Donations - Pick up donations in your area and deliver to our distribution center.
Volunteer Opportunities
Serve As A Shepherd - Male volunteers are needed to deliver clothing to clients in Dallas, Rockwall, Collin, Kaufman, Henderson, Van Zandt, Ellis, Tarrant and Denton Counties.
Distribution Center Volunteer - Serve at the Rockwall clothes closet facility sorting clothing donations and gathering sets of clothing to be delivered to clients. Times available Monday-Thursday, morning and afternoon. “At home” projects are also available.
Special Events Volunteer - Help with our Dallas spring event and other fundraisers, clothing and shoe drives.
Speaking Engagements - We welcome an opportunity to speak at your civic group, Bible study, small group, or business or social network meeting to share how our organization is making a difference in the lives of the often overlooked men we serve and its impact on our community.
Faith-Based Opportunities​​
Write Bible Verse Cards – Each set of clothing delivered contains a card with a handwritten Bible verse of encouragement. Individuals and/or Sunday School groups are welcome to be part of this ministry.
Christmas Program – Help collect individual toiletries and package for Christmas gifts as part of each set of clothing during December.
Create Easter And Christmas Cards – To include with sets of clothing sent off during these special holidays.
Host A Clothing Drive- We are always in need of items for our men!
Corporate or Business Opportunities: ​​
Great Days Of Service – Work with us to host a day of service at our distribution center!
Host A Clothing Drive- We are always in need of items for our men!
Share Your Talents – What talents do you have that you can share with us?
Click the button to email OMT to make your difference today!