A kind gesture from Gray Around the Edges
One Man's Treasure has recently been featured on Gray Around the Edges' blog! Our organization would like to personally thank Gray Around the Edges for raising awareness of the mission behind One Man's Treasure as we serve men who are returning to the Dallas County and six other counties after years of being incarcerated!
We would like to share their blog post with all of you, beautifully written by Kelley Gatewood. Read below the article written, and if you would like you can directly read it off their blog by clicking here: http://www.grayaroundtheedges.com/one-mans-treasure-prison-ministry/

One Man’s Treasure is a non-profit organization based in Rockwall TX that provides new and gently used clothing and shoes to men who have recently been released from prison and rehabilitation programs. It was founded in 2005 and has provided clothing assistance to well over 7,000 men with rapidly increasing numbers every year. According to their website, the ministry’s primary goal is to “increase the chance for a changed life for each client and to help reduce recidivism (return to prison) among our clients and create safer communities”. Not every client will have the same clothing needs so sets of clothing are put together based on the individual client’s job requirements. For example, some men might need je
ans and work boots and others might need dress pants and button down shirts depending on the job they are seeking. A typical set of clothing includes: 5 shirts, 2 pair of pants, shoes, 5 pairs of new underwear and socks, 1 t-shirt, 1 tie and a handwritten Bible verse card. In the winter, a coat, hat and gloves are also provided. Once the type of clothing is established, a “shepherd” delivers the set of clothing to the client’s residence . The shepherd also provides moral and spiritual support as well as resources that will help the client transition back into society.
One Man’s Treasure has several volunteer opportunities available
Individual donations:
Items needed:
Pants (including jeans), dress or casual long or short sleeve shirts, dress shoes, tennis shoes and work boots, ties, belts, winter coats and casual shorts.
Dallas area drop-off locations
Saint Micheal and All Angels Episcopal Church all summer during it’s farmers market. (see my May 16 post for more info)
Trinity Episcopal Church at 12727 Hillcrest in Dallas, during regular business hours
Email at info@onemanstr.org or call 972-771-4141 to arrange for pick-up
Organize a clothing/shoe drive
Pick up donations and deliver to their clothes closet
Clothes closet volunteer
Located in Rockwall,
Volunteer at their fundraisers, clothing drives and other special events throughout the year
Serve as a shepherd: A male volunteer who delivers clothing to clients in DFW and surrounding counties
At home or group opportunities
Write Bible verse cards which are included with each set of clothes
Create Easter and Christmas cards to be included with sets of clothing
Collect individual toiletries and package them for Christmas gifts to be included with each set of clothing during December
For more information visit their Website , email them at onemanstr@yahoo.com or call 888-433-9826
This is a much needed ministry for an often forgotten population. If you don’t see a volunteer opportunity that you feel called to, please at least keep them in mind the next time you are cleaning closets. You will be changing a man’s life by giving him the confidence he needs when applying for and starting a new job. The ministry bases it’s name and mission on the Starfish Story shown below , as found on their website. Something we all need to remember; we may not be able to change the world but we can certainly change a life and that can be such a simple yet profound calling. All it takes is being aware, taking the initiative and making an effort. Once you have made that effort to help another, you will most certainly feel as blessed by the experience as the intended recipient.