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A milestone reached and 10,000 lives touched!

10,000 men milestone

Last month, One Man's Treasure was blessed to reach a special milestone in its mission - the provision of sets of clothing to over 10,000 men since the ministry's founding 13 years ago.

We are thankful to God for His direction and blessings on this ministry that has allowed it to grow in its outreach and to each of you, our donors and volunteers, who have dedicated your time and gifts which were essential in reaching this important step. "One by one, we made a difference together."

As we reflect on this achievement, we want to highlight how these men's lives were improved by the personalized set of clothing we were able to give them, providing a sense of dignity and hope. In most cases, those who came out of prison with the intent to truly change the direction of their lives were able to successfully transition into the community, find employment and lift themselves from poverty. Many were able to return to their families and help provide them with much needed support. Others without families became a positive role model to those around them. Some of these men have become involved in prison ministries and/or serve as shepherds for One Man’s Treasure providing guidance to their former brothers in white as a relatable example of hope for their future.

The success stories of our clients demonstrate that lives are touched by One Man’s Treasure’s ministry and why we are blessed with a low 13.5% recidivism rate among our clients three years after their release from prison shown in our eight recidivism studies. These notes from past clients express how One Man’s Treasure makes a difference…

“Leaving prison in the clothes provided by TDCJ (Texas Department of Criminal Justice)

serves as a very negative reminder of where we came from. Once I saw myself in the clothes provided by One Man's Treasure I felt like a real member of society! I felt equal to others around me and immediately had more of the needed confidence to make a successful transition. Thank you for the life changing blessing….recent recipient."​ “I just wanted to write a brief letter to all those at "One Mans Treasure" to give thanks for all that you have done. There are many things to be anxious about upon release from prison but the big three are the basic necessities of life, (food, shelter, and clothing.) Thanks to One Mans Treasure, one of those basic necessities has been met and it’s alleviated one of my biggest fears. Truly this is the kind of ministry that Christ would say "Well Done ". The core of this ministry is truly love. So thanks again, Thanks! God Bless..."

- Michael

“Dear Volunteers,

Thank you for all you gave me. I started work this last week. The clothes helped! I will start going to my church next week. I am on a monitor, so it makes going places a small challenge. I will persevere. God is on our side, us who have faith and believe! May God bless you all. Again, thank you all!”

- Samuel

"After only being released for less than 20 minutes I was on the phone with One Man's Treasure answering questions about what size and style of clothes I needed. To know that there are such caring people in the world that want to give us a great fresh start is truly a blessing!! "​

- James

"On December 17, 2013 I walked out of the doors of the Walls Unit in Huntsville, Texas. After twenty five years of incarceration I was a little awe struck at the idea of being in society once again.

I had lost everything when I went to prison so I would have to begin all over again. There I was 63 years old, the state had given me $100.00 and a pair of pants that were too big and a shirt that was too small. I had prayed and I knew that God was going to provide for me but it was really hard to imagine how He was going to do that. I admit I was scared. I didn’t know what lay ahead and that was very intimidating.

When I walked out the door my son was waiting for me. It was a little embarrassing for me to see him after all that time dressed like some homeless guy. As soon as we had hugged and had a few minutes to talk he asked me if I wanted to change into some real clothes. He took me to his car and showed me the clothes that R. Hall had picked up from One Man’s Treasure for me.

I was amazed; everything I needed was there, pants, shirts, shoes, underwear, and a jacket, everything to get me started again. Nice clothes that I could wear to church or to look for a job. I knew then that God was in control and everything was going to be just fine.

I cannot begin to express in words the gratitude that I have for the people who run One Man’s Treasure. This is a ministry that is very important to the men coming out of prison; it is a new beginning and gives them hope that there is a future out in society and people who really do care. Thank you for all you do."


"Eight years ago as I was preparing to leave prison, my thoughts were consumed by these questions: 'Where am I going to work? What about clothes? What about food?' Then I was convicted upon remembering these verses from Matthew 6, 'So don’t worry at all about having enough food (work) and clothing…

But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you too. So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.' My reply was simply, 'Yes, Lord…Thank You Jesus!'

Upon arriving home, I was blessed by a telephone call that clothing would be delivered to me by a Shepherd from One Man’s Treasure. They were not just any clothes; they were my size, my favorite colors and they were delivered with encouragement, hope and a prayer. God also met all of my other needs in His perfect timing.

Later that year I was blessed to become involved with One Man’s Treasure as a Shepherd. Over the years I have been privileged to deliver clothes with encouragement, hope and a prayer to brothers arriving home with those same questions I had eight years ago.

I also leave them with these words from Ephesians 3:20, 'God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!'

Just trust Him!"

- R. Hall

Thank you again for supporting us as we served this first 10,000 men as they began a new life in the free world. We look forward to serving another 10,000 men in the coming years with your help!

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